Who we are

OmniChip is a semiconductor company, founded in 2013. We develop solutions for the smart systems market to address the challenges of today's world like efficient resources management and improving quality of life. We are one of the few companies in Poland developing semiconductor IPs.

Our team

What We Offer

From PCB products and design services, through IC design to ASICs. From powerline communication to NFC - we find solutions to your needs. Our products are designed to empower the smart world we live in.

OmniChip Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt projekt "Uniwersalna platforma sprzętowa wspierająca gry dla niewidomych i słabowidzących ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem gier wieloosobowych i integrujących" współfinansowany przez NCBiR na podstawie umowy POIR.01.02.00-00-0164/17-00

Check out our products and services:

OmniChip Sp. z o.o.

Bobrowiecka 8

00-728 Warsaw, Poland

NIP: 113-287-13-53


send e-mail to: info@omni-chip.com

Copyright 2017

We are part of Atende Capital Group.

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